Baptism of the Lord Sunday (January)
Ash Wednesday (February or March) The beginning of Lent, the season that invites reflection upon our spiritual condition, individually and corporately. Service follows a fellowship pancake dinner.
Palm Sunday (March or April) The children of Mt. Bethel process into the sanctuary waving palm branches on this Sunday before Easter, commemorating the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem.
Maundy Thursday (March or April) We share Communion and drape the cross during this Tenebrae service on the Thursday before Easter.
Easter Sunday (March or April)
Pentecost Sunday (May or June) Holy Spirit filled outside service held at Little River Park followed by a potluck picnic and games.
Youth Sunday (May or June) Creative worship lead by the youth.
Kickoff Sunday:(September) Held on the Sunday following Labor Day Weekend. Kickoff Sunday introduces a yearly theme which will guide the focus of worship, mission and education through out the year. The event offers a creative Worship experience with various stations as well as fellowship and fun activities following worship.
World Communion Sunday (October)
Sounds of Advent (December)
Lessons and Carols (December)
Christmas Eve Service (December)