Sunday School for all ages: 9:45 am.
Worship Service: 10:55 am

There is a children’s area in the back corner of the Sanctuary with books, coloring pages, and toys.
Children up to 5th grade are invited to attend the Worship Service however that are also welcome to leave Worship for Junior Church in the Education Building.
Assisted-listening devices and large print hymnals and Bibles are available.
See our Special Services page and Communion page for information on holidays, Communion/Lord’s Supper, and other worship events.
Everyone is encouraged to share their gifts during Worship Service. You may feel called to participate through:
- Scripture reading: Young or old, male or female, hearing all voices speak God’s Word is important to our congregation.
- Music: members are encouraged to share their musical gifts!
- Chancel Choir: meets Wednesdays at 7:00pm. All are welcome to participate!
- Handbell Choir: meets Wednesdays at 8:00pm.
- Children’s Music: Our children regularly participate in Worship through singing and hand chimes. They meet Wednesdays at 6:15 to practice.
- Children’s Choir: meets Wednesdays at 5:45pm.
- Special music: Do you play an instrument and would like to share your gift in Worship Service? Let Amy know! The beautiful sounds of guitar, flute, violin, trumpet, and the hammered dulcimer have all been a part of our special music during Worship.
- Greeting: volunteer to welcome folks as they enter the church for service.
- Ushering: we need men and women to distribute bulletins, help with seating, and collect offering
- Serving Communion: All current or past Elders and Deacons are encouraged to help serve.
- Children’s Moment: share a brief lesson during worship with the enthusiastic kids of our congregation.
- Sound technician: the sound booth looks complicated, but is easily learned!
- Liturgist: lead the congregation through the liturgy at the beginning of service.
- Acolytes: youth and children can assist with worship by serving as acolytes.
- Children: children lead all aspects of worship on Youth Sunday
Use Signup Genius or contact the Worship Committee if you would like to serve!