The Mt. Bethel Endowment Fund was dedicated in May 2003 as a permanent fund to enhance the ministries and supplement the income of Mt. Bethel. All past and future gifts to the Fund are held in the Fund with only the income — interest and dividends — being spent. Thus, gifts to the Fund keep on giving.
The Fund is not intended to replace yearly tithes and offerings but rather to receive special gifts, memorials, and end-of-life gifts. By making a contribution to the Fund, we are able to extend the blessings God has given us beyond our own lifetimes, and to support the work of the church for those who worship after us.
Throughout the year, the Endowment Fund Committee sponsors activities to raise awareness of the Fund. If you wish to make a contribution to the Fund, please use the Contribute page and mark your gift for the Endowment Fund.