Mt. Bethel welcomes all people, regardless of ability, age, ethnicity, family status, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, social or economic circumstance.  We consciously strive to create an environment of mutual respect, hospitality, and warmth in which none are strangers and all may flourish.  We would be pleased for you to join us in our journey of faith.

Our current vision statement is: To welcome, include and connect with all, so that together, we learn how God would have us love and serve.

We believe:

  • The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, is a faithful witness to the life of Jesus Christ, and is a living document which continues to speak to us today.
  • Through infant baptism, the parents, family, friends, and the whole church commit themselves to nurture the child in faith.
  • Christ calls us to the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper – it is not our table, it is His, and all are welcome.   Children’s participation in the Lord’s Supper is based upon their parent’s choice.
  • God speaks to all men and women equally.  Women are invited to participate in all levels of church leadership – as elders, deacons, and pastors.
  • We actively encourage youth and children to attend – and participate in – regular worship services with their parents.

We affirm:

The Session of Mt Bethel, speaking on behalf of our faith community, condemns racism. We affirm and amplify the call of Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, the PCUSA’s Stated Clerk, for justice and reconciliation. We speak aloud the names and mourn the wrongful deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, and we remember the many other Black Americans murdered in bigotry and hate.

We confess we are part of a sinful and broken system. We confess we perpetuate racism through action and inaction. We confess that we have been slow to respond to the crisis of racism in our communities and our country.

We ask for God’s forgiveness and pray for the stamina to do the work required as the body of Christ to stand in solidarity and commit to anti-racist action. We know we must: listen intentionally and with humility; acknowledge the long-standing, thick web of racism in our lives, our church, and our country; and act according to our values of love and equality.

We are called to be God’s hands and feet in our world. By the grace of Jesus Christ, and the love of God, let us be open and committed to Spirit-saturated justice and reconciliation.

Officers and Staff:


Kristen Pormann, Clerk of Session

Class of 2023:  Leslie Wickham

Class of 2024: Peter Varlashkin, Kate Irish

Class of 2025: Kay Spivey, Courtenay Clifford, Anne Neill


Class of 2024: Vicki Chappell, Josette Collen, Helena Coman

Class of 2025: Rosita Garrett, Meredith Gringle, John Alling

Class of 2026: Beverly King, Deborah Huffer, Jane Venable


Sarah Wolf, Pastor

Nolan Chilton, Director for Children and Youth

Amy Daw, Organist; Director of Music

Liz Harris, Pianist

Christina Mazzeo, Office Administrator

Beth Wickham & Amy Daw, SHINE leaders

Ed Daw, Audio Technician

Bonnie Deppenbrock, Parish Associates

Josette Collen, Parish Nurse

Officers of the Corporation

Joe Wilson, President

Lori Crooks, Vice President

Ed Daw, Treasurer

Kristen Pormann, Secretary