Commitment to Anti-Racism

The Session of Mt Bethel, speaking on behalf of our faith community, condemns racism. We affirm and amplify the call of Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, the PCUSA’s Stated Clerk, for justice and reconciliation. We speak aloud the names and mourn the wrongful deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, and we remember the many other Black Americans murdered in bigotry and hate.

We confess we are part of a sinful and broken system. We confess we perpetuate racism through action and inaction. We confess that we have been slow to respond to the crisis of racism in our communities and our country.

We ask for God’s forgiveness and pray for the stamina to do the work required as the body of Christ to stand in solidarity and commit to anti-racist action. We know we must: listen intentionally and with humility; acknowledge the long-standing, thick web of racism in our lives, our church, and our country; and act according to our values of love and equality.

We are called to be God’s hands and feet in our world. By the grace of Jesus Christ, and the love of God, let us be open and committed to Spirit-saturated justice and reconciliation.