The five-member Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) was elected by the congregation on November 14th, 2021 and tasked with finding new pastoral leadership for nomination to the congregation of Mt. Bethel Presbyterian Church. They have pledged to walk through the process of discernment, to listen closely for the call of Christ and to participate in God’s own choice for the next pastor of Mt. Bethel.
Amy Daw
Amy became an active member at the church with her husband, Ed in 1994. Not too long after that she began working with the Children’s Choir and Vacation Bible School. Throughout the years, she gradually started serving in other capacities. (Pianist, Organist, Hand Bell Director, etc.) She is presently Director of the Mt. Bethel Music Ministry. In addition to her work at Mt. Bethel, Amy has taught music in Virginia and NC public schools for over 30 years. She definitely has a passion for music and enjoys working with people. When she is not “directing”, she loves to travel and spend time with her own family (children, 6 grandchildren, 2 sisters) as well as her Mt. Bethel family!
Dave Irish
Dave (he/him), an active member of Mt Bethel for more than eight years, participates in the Antiracism Class, supports the church’s technology and has served on the Board of Deacons. He leads a Sunday morning discussion group featuring podcasts with diverse voices and a space for questioning, informing and furthering spiritual journeys. Dave is a father of two elementary-age children and a small business owner. When not staring at a computer screen, he enjoys backpacking with his family, playing ice hockey and rooting for Ohio State.
Ellen Mihaich
Ellen has been a member of Mt. Bethel for over 30 years. Like many, she has been involved in various aspects of the life of the church over that time and has particularly enjoyed the opportunity to help with the children’s moment during the service. Ellen and husband Steve have 4 married children and 6 (soon to be 7) grandchildren. She owns an environmental consulting company that has provided the opportunity (pre-Covid) to travel the world. Ellen and Steve love being able to spoil the grandchildren and to spend time at their home on Cape Cod.
Kristen Pormann (co-chair)
(She/her) Thankful for my husband John and my two wonderful kids. Clerk of Session. Faith-full doubter. Hand bell ringer. Reuse enthusiast. Podcast Group devotee. 16 years of journeying with Mt. Bethel and still surprised how God’s grace flows through the people of this church, reaches me, and moves me to action.
Mark Nelson (co-chair)
Mark has been a member of MBPC for almost 4 years, and has sung Tenor in the choir for even longer than that. A retired Electrical Engineer, he and his wife Kay moved to Durham after several decades in the Boston area, to escape the snow. A lifelong Presbyterian, Mark has been a Deacon, an Elder, a representative to General Assembly, and has served on many committees and two PNCs. In retirement, he writes the Television column for the Antique Wireless Association’s Journal, and tends to his large collection of TV signal boosters and UHF converters from the early days of television.