Per Hedge and Kristen’s letter to the congregation, Mt. Bethel has entered a season of discernment regarding marriage in the life of the church. The Session will be studying the list of resources* below, and invites you to join them. For background on the PC(USA)’s standing on same-gender marriage, please visit GA221 on Marriage.

Resources on our polity and reading Scripture together:

Resources that frame relevant scholarship:

Resources on varying perspectives:

As we pray, learn, and discern together, Session wants to hear from you.  Every member of the church is invited and encouraged to write the Session, sharing what you feel is important for Session’s consideration.  You may write an email to or letter to Mt. Bethel, c/o Marriage Conversation, 3541 Rose of Sharon Road, Durham, NC 27712. You may also request a meeting with Hedge and an elder by using the same addresses shown above or simply calling the church office.

Session will compile all of the letters, emails, and meeting notes, and share, study, and pray over them together. Listening to our congregation’s wisdom, thoughts, as well as any personal stories or narratives is vital to us.  Your voice matters.  We would like for you to complete this by Tuesday, May 3rd.

* Mt. Bethel is grateful to Westminster Presbyterian Church of Durham for compiling and sharing most of these resources