Mt. Bethel members are encouraged to share their gifts during  Worship Service.

You may  feel called to participate through:

  • Scripture reading: Young or old, male or female, hearing all voices speak God’s Word is important to our congregation.
  • Music: members are encouraged to share their musical gifts!
  • Greeting: volunteer to welcome folks as they enter the church for service.
  • Ushering: we need men and women to distribute bulletins, help with seating, and collect offering
  • Serving Communion: All current or past Elders and Deacons are encouraged to help serve.
  • Children’s Moment: share a brief lesson during worship with the enthusiastic kids of our congregation.
  • Sound technician: the sound booth looks complicated, but is easily learned!
  • Liturgist: lead the congregation through the liturgy at the beginning of service.
  • Acolytes: youth and children can assist with worship by serving as acolytes.
  • Children: children lead all aspects of worship on Youth Sunday

Please contact the Worship Committee if you would like to serve!