Check back here often for the latest updates from the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC).

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February 9th Update | Advice from the MtB Children | Session Approves MIF

PNC Reviewing Pastor Information Forms

The PNC has submitted the MIF to the Presbytery’s Church Leadership Connection System, which has matched us with qualifying candidates. The committee is beginning to delve into reading and researching the matched PIFs (Pastor resumes).  

PNC Process

The following tracks the process and progress for calling a new Pastor for Mt. Bethel Presbyterian Church.

Organize – completed

Slate of Pastor Nominating Committee members compiled by Session and voted on by the congregation. Kickoff meeting with the New Hope Presbytery Commission on Ministry. Regular meetings begin.

Create – completed

Using the Mission Study Report developed by the congregation, write the ministry information form (MIF) including the job description, descriptions of the Mt. Bethel Presbyterian Church congregation, mission and ministry. Present the MIF and mission statement for session and Commission on Ministry approval.

Search – completed

Post the MIF on Church Leadership Connection, advertise, follow-up on referrals, and network for recommendations. Rely on the Holy Spirit to highlight candidates whom God might be calling.

Review – in progress

Prayerfully evaluate each personal information form received, as well as available sermons, books and papers from candidates. Schedule remote initial interviews.

Select – in progress

Conduct interviews, visit top candidates if possible or visit at a neutral location. Follow up on references. Pray, confer with Commission on Ministry, extend a call to one candidate.


Report to Session and the congregation. Schedule a congregational meeting for a vote. If approved by vote of Mt. Bethel Presbyterian Church and presbytery, proceed to installation.


Mt. Bethel Presbyterian Church holds an installation service for the new pastor. Thanks be to God!

Contact Us

To contact the Pastor Nominating Committee, email or speak directly with any member of the PNC. Amy Daw, Dave Irish, Ellen Mihaich, Kristen Pormann and Mark Nelson.